About Me

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My name is Azra, I am a Leo and a proud Malaysian. Yay! I am quite opinionated, but I don't usually say it out loud, hence the blog! And I also like to review movies and TV shows. Besides that, I am a daughter, a girlfriend to that special someone, a sister, an aunt and your pharmacist... If you are interested in any of the products in my blog or would like to be my business partner, please contact me: AZRA - nur_azra@yahoo.com. (YM or Facebook me!) Happy reading, cheers!
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Let's Get Rich!

11/09/2009 04:00:00 PM Posted In Edit This
Do you have a dream for your wedding but you it's just too expensive?

Would you like to perform Haj or Umrah but cannot afford it?

Do you wish you can give more to your parents, children and partners?

Do you wish that you can shop and shop without worrying about your bank balance?

Do you want to BREAK AWAY from debts and credit card?!

If YES to any of this, I can help you!

All that you need to do is to CONTACT ME:
YM or email me: nur_azra@yahoo.com
Add me on Facebook too! ^_^v