Just sharing ^_^
11/03/2009 09:43:00 PM Posted In Information Edit This
Yesterday, my office (BPFK @ NPCB) held a whole-day seminar. Tajuk seminar tu ialah Seminar Personaliti Unggul. When the flyers came out, what I had in my mind was, mesti ada talk pasal kecantikan, beauty, penampilan… All the superficial stuff. So I signed up for it. Macam best habeh la. U know I like all these beauty2 punyer hal kan? (I am not vain though!)
So yesterday morning, when I sat at the hall, the speaker for the morning topic walked past me. I macam “Eh, she looks familiar la.” Then a friend, Kak Fad said, “Azra, tengok CV dia. Memang banyak sangat experience.” So, I did. Then, bila I tengok gambar speaker tu betul2, then I know siapa. She always appeared on Astro Oasis. Orangnyer lembut jer. She usually talks about women, female, family-related stuff, in Islamic pov. Her name is Profersor Dr Harlina. And the title of her talk was “Keunggulan dan Kesihatan Wanita”.
So she started off like normal… Tak ingat lah in detail every thing that she said. But, she was such an excellent speaker! I mean, memanglah on TV Prof memang arif tentang bidangnya (she is an OandG specialist by the way). Dalam masa Prof menyampaikan all the important and meaningful ilmu, she was also very very hilarious. Her sense of humour memang tak dijangkakan because on TV she appeared not to be so. Still, she maintained such a grace and soft spoken personality. She is an intelligent person, with unbelievable sense of humour, open minded and religious. Sangat2 la best!
I was always kept on my toes during the whole talk, I took note of all the points that she made. Cuma terlampau banyak sampai I tak boleh nak tulis semua. So, below is the summary of the stuff Prof said. Mungkin agak berterabur and incoherent, Cuma… Ambillah isi-isinya. Just for sharing ya?
· Kaya Bukan Pada Harta, Tetapi Pada Hati…
Prof started off her talk with this story. Prof always terlibat in many NGOs activities. So these activities involved sponsorship… She approached a fellow OandG specialist yang kerja kat private hospital. Apparently gaji OandG specialist kat hospital swasta in RM50K per month! Before Prof sempat ask for the donation, her colleague mula mengeluh pasal duit. His/Her car kena langgar, anak dia nak masuk kolej, etc etc etc… Sampaikan Prof tak sampai hati nak tanya pasal donation tu. So she went back to the office empty handed and she put her donation leaflet on her PA’s desk. Her PA ada 8 orang anak, dengan gaji sebagai PA, boleh dikatakan that she is not orang yang senang. Then, her PA knocked on Prof’s door and asked “Prof, saya tahu tak banyak. Tapi kalau saya nak derma RM 30 tak apa ke?” Prof was completely speechless and her emotion masa tu memang tak boleh nak describe. Walaupun RM30 tu bukannya apa sangat, tapi untuk orang seperti her PA yang bukannya orang senang, RM 30 tu sangat bermakna. Then she realized, kekayaan sesorang itu… Adalah pada kebesaran hati, bukan pada harta…
· Count your blessings untuk menjadi orang yang gembira dan bersyukur
· Protective mechanism of breastfeeding towards breast cancer will only happen if a mother breastfeeds for more than 10 months
· Jika sesorang memendamkan perasaan (bottle up their feelings) their immune system will reduce. Ini kerana, the immune cells yang buat surveillance akan berkurangan. So all the bad cells and bacteria tak dibunuh. Therefore, jangan la pendam2 perasaan yer?!
· Spacing of pregnancy akan mengurangkan post-natal depression (meroyan)
· Jangan lawat orang bersalin pada hari ke 3 selepas bersalin, sebab masa tu, she needs time for herself because that’s when the post natal blues starts.
· Suami ada hak seksual terhadap isteri sekiranya suami penuhi 3 syarat ini (3R of sexuality):-
o Responsibility: Is he a responsible husband? Does he fulfills his responsibility as husband and a father? Contohnya, adakah dia menyara makan minum pakaian dan tempat tinggal keluarganya? Bukan isteri yang bayar tau!
o Rights: If he fulfills his responsibility, then he has the rights towards the wife.
o Respect: And even so, husband must approach (mendekati) the wife with respect. Bukan main terjah /lompat je! Huhuhu…
· Nusyuz is not applicable to wives only. But husband can also be nusyuz. Contohnya bila dia tak jalankan tanggungjawab hakikinya
· Job description for husband: protector, provider and maintainer
· Seorang suami mesti sara isteri dan anak-anak tak kitalah sekaya mana isteri tu.
· Tips: Beli pergi ke pasar atau pasar malam, tinggalkan purse di rumah atau dalam kereta. And don’t tell your husbands! Sebab nanti memang dia akan bayarkan for groceries. Heheheh! Good one!
· Sebelum kita minta anak-anak kita lakukan sesuatu untuk membanggakan kita, tanya mereka dulu – Adakah mereka bangga mempunyai ibu dan ayah seperti kita?
· Jangan tidur sekatil dengan anak-anak bila ada suami
Okay, hopefully, ada sedikit sebanyak yang boleh kita sama-sama ambil iktibar… ^_^
So yesterday morning, when I sat at the hall, the speaker for the morning topic walked past me. I macam “Eh, she looks familiar la.” Then a friend, Kak Fad said, “Azra, tengok CV dia. Memang banyak sangat experience.” So, I did. Then, bila I tengok gambar speaker tu betul2, then I know siapa. She always appeared on Astro Oasis. Orangnyer lembut jer. She usually talks about women, female, family-related stuff, in Islamic pov. Her name is Profersor Dr Harlina. And the title of her talk was “Keunggulan dan Kesihatan Wanita”.
So she started off like normal… Tak ingat lah in detail every thing that she said. But, she was such an excellent speaker! I mean, memanglah on TV Prof memang arif tentang bidangnya (she is an OandG specialist by the way). Dalam masa Prof menyampaikan all the important and meaningful ilmu, she was also very very hilarious. Her sense of humour memang tak dijangkakan because on TV she appeared not to be so. Still, she maintained such a grace and soft spoken personality. She is an intelligent person, with unbelievable sense of humour, open minded and religious. Sangat2 la best!
I was always kept on my toes during the whole talk, I took note of all the points that she made. Cuma terlampau banyak sampai I tak boleh nak tulis semua. So, below is the summary of the stuff Prof said. Mungkin agak berterabur and incoherent, Cuma… Ambillah isi-isinya. Just for sharing ya?
· Kaya Bukan Pada Harta, Tetapi Pada Hati…
Prof started off her talk with this story. Prof always terlibat in many NGOs activities. So these activities involved sponsorship… She approached a fellow OandG specialist yang kerja kat private hospital. Apparently gaji OandG specialist kat hospital swasta in RM50K per month! Before Prof sempat ask for the donation, her colleague mula mengeluh pasal duit. His/Her car kena langgar, anak dia nak masuk kolej, etc etc etc… Sampaikan Prof tak sampai hati nak tanya pasal donation tu. So she went back to the office empty handed and she put her donation leaflet on her PA’s desk. Her PA ada 8 orang anak, dengan gaji sebagai PA, boleh dikatakan that she is not orang yang senang. Then, her PA knocked on Prof’s door and asked “Prof, saya tahu tak banyak. Tapi kalau saya nak derma RM 30 tak apa ke?” Prof was completely speechless and her emotion masa tu memang tak boleh nak describe. Walaupun RM30 tu bukannya apa sangat, tapi untuk orang seperti her PA yang bukannya orang senang, RM 30 tu sangat bermakna. Then she realized, kekayaan sesorang itu… Adalah pada kebesaran hati, bukan pada harta…
· Count your blessings untuk menjadi orang yang gembira dan bersyukur
· Protective mechanism of breastfeeding towards breast cancer will only happen if a mother breastfeeds for more than 10 months
· Jika sesorang memendamkan perasaan (bottle up their feelings) their immune system will reduce. Ini kerana, the immune cells yang buat surveillance akan berkurangan. So all the bad cells and bacteria tak dibunuh. Therefore, jangan la pendam2 perasaan yer?!
· Spacing of pregnancy akan mengurangkan post-natal depression (meroyan)
· Jangan lawat orang bersalin pada hari ke 3 selepas bersalin, sebab masa tu, she needs time for herself because that’s when the post natal blues starts.
· Suami ada hak seksual terhadap isteri sekiranya suami penuhi 3 syarat ini (3R of sexuality):-
o Responsibility: Is he a responsible husband? Does he fulfills his responsibility as husband and a father? Contohnya, adakah dia menyara makan minum pakaian dan tempat tinggal keluarganya? Bukan isteri yang bayar tau!
o Rights: If he fulfills his responsibility, then he has the rights towards the wife.
o Respect: And even so, husband must approach (mendekati) the wife with respect. Bukan main terjah /lompat je! Huhuhu…
· Nusyuz is not applicable to wives only. But husband can also be nusyuz. Contohnya bila dia tak jalankan tanggungjawab hakikinya
· Job description for husband: protector, provider and maintainer
· Seorang suami mesti sara isteri dan anak-anak tak kitalah sekaya mana isteri tu.
· Tips: Beli pergi ke pasar atau pasar malam, tinggalkan purse di rumah atau dalam kereta. And don’t tell your husbands! Sebab nanti memang dia akan bayarkan for groceries. Heheheh! Good one!
· Sebelum kita minta anak-anak kita lakukan sesuatu untuk membanggakan kita, tanya mereka dulu – Adakah mereka bangga mempunyai ibu dan ayah seperti kita?
· Jangan tidur sekatil dengan anak-anak bila ada suami
Okay, hopefully, ada sedikit sebanyak yang boleh kita sama-sama ambil iktibar… ^_^