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My name is Azra, I am a Leo and a proud Malaysian. Yay! I am quite opinionated, but I don't usually say it out loud, hence the blog! And I also like to review movies and TV shows. Besides that, I am a daughter, a girlfriend to that special someone, a sister, an aunt and your pharmacist... If you are interested in any of the products in my blog or would like to be my business partner, please contact me: AZRA - nur_azra@yahoo.com. (YM or Facebook me!) Happy reading, cheers!
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Majlis Pertunangan ku...

11/25/2009 11:05:00 AM Posted In Edit This
My engagement is exactly 30 days from today!!!

My engangement check list:-

1. Baju I dah ada (I so love it!), thank you Hanis... Alhamdulillah... CHECK

2. Door gift pun dah order, tapi tak tahu lagi camner nak decorate. HALF CHECK

3. Photographer pun ada. So okay, that is sorted. Thank you Kak Fad... CHECK

4. Hantaran - erm... Guna fresh flower so memang kena buat a few days before tunang. The stuff are mostly food so I am not too concern about it. My aunt (Lovely Mak Ngah) is helping me out with the ribbons and dulang etc... Terima kasih Mak Ngah... ^_^. But she is not well at the moment, so I really want her to rest well and recover. Itu yang paling penting sekali... p/s: I hope you enjoy the pau I bought for you yesterday... NOT CHECK BUT OK

5. Tudung - insyaAllah no problem. Nak pakai veil ker? Huhu... Or should I save veil for the big day? Tapi belum cari pun lagi... I want chiffon tudung with awning yang ada beads/batu... Pernah try Ariani. But because my face is quite round... (actually, not quite. It is round!) and bila pakai Ariani macam lagi bulat pulak. So... Nak tempah ke? Hanis recommended some names yesterday... NOT CHECK

6. Makeup artist - arghhhh!!! I dah try contact one that I like (Sentuhan Derina) but she is occupied on my engagement date. So I am going to try a few more... From the photos, memang ramai yang talented. But then again, mostly nampak agak tak natural. I don't want to look like so heavily made-up, I want my own skin colour to show, not pink or white. Eye make up, I want smokey, but purple - not entirely black. SO NOT CHECK!

7. Manicure, pedicure - 2 days before - NOT BOOKED YET

8. Facial, spa - the weekend before - dah book appointment CHECK

9. Kemas rumah... Penting tu. Kena ambil cuti 3 days before engagement. APPLY FOR CUTI NOT CHECK YET (Boss outstation)

10. Guest lists - 60 from my family + 30 from Hakim's family + 20 neighbours and friends. HALF CHECK

11. Caterer - sorted. yums yums. CHECK

12. Khemah - belum call tapi okay kut. My uncle kata dia kenal orang. Hehehe... NOT CHECK BUT OK

13. Doa sentiasa supaya majlis berjalan lancar...

Wish me luck everyone!!

Why I love doing my bizzz

11/21/2009 10:21:00 PM Posted In Edit This
Reasons why I love doing my biz:-

1. Dapat jalan-jalan before and after meeting clients. A real breather!

2. The happy look on my clients' face when they see and feel the changes after wearing Premium Beautiful. It's a real 'job' satisfaction...

3. Make money while having fun. Honestly, how many of us are doing that? Day in day out at work, so mundane and monotonous? Why the trouble?

4. I get to meet and interact with new people. Getting to know and making connections with my clients - simply interesting! Buat kawan-kawan baru!

A very lovely client @ new friend even gave me a very nice tudung as a gift... Awh... Really, thank you so much Sis! ^_^ I doakan yang terbaik for you...

I like this tudung because it is not too big, love the colours and patterns - and more importantly, tak jarang. Hehehe...

Today - 21.11.2009

11/21/2009 09:11:00 PM Posted In Edit This
Today, ada two very important occasion:-

1. It is my Hakim 26th birthday and it is the first time that we celebrate together in Malaysia. I still remember the first time I gave him a card for his birthday... We were still friends back then, good friends.... He accompanied me through rough times when I was in Liverpool, and he always stayed by my side ever since... I am very lucky. Anyway, Hakim was so happy to get that birthday card surprised from me! It really was just a birthday card, but he said "It's the thought that count" and that he really did not expect it from me. He told me that, after he read the card, he drew a caricature of me... I really love it... Awh... Berbunga-bunga hatiku bila teringat masa tu... Hihi...

Hakim's caricature of me in white turtle neck and my red trainers. Wish I was skinny like that tho. Ehehehe...

Anyway, Hakim (baby)... No birthday wish or gift can be enough for a really wonderful man like you... ^_^ But I hope you like my present!

2. The second occasion today is - Hakim and I attended kursus pra perkahwinan. Hehehe... Inevitably, we celebrated Hakim's birthday in in Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah, where boys and girls were separated, including masa lunch time. Huhuhu.. Sorry yer Abang. Mesti you fikir, ish.. Tak ada hari lain ke nak pergi kursus kahwin? :-P

Although isi kandungan kursus kahwin tadi banyak disulami dengan remarks and lawak-lawak lucah, but I learnt quite a lot from it. In fact, I have to compliment on the catering and how punctual and smooth the kursus was. Tapi kerusinyer kurang selesa and my shoulder is aching from sitting there... Huhuhu...

Actually, we planned to have cake together tomorrow after the second/last day of the kursus... Can't wait!

Let's Get Rich!

11/09/2009 04:00:00 PM Posted In Edit This
Do you have a dream for your wedding but you it's just too expensive?

Would you like to perform Haj or Umrah but cannot afford it?

Do you wish you can give more to your parents, children and partners?

Do you wish that you can shop and shop without worrying about your bank balance?

Do you want to BREAK AWAY from debts and credit card?!

If YES to any of this, I can help you!

All that you need to do is to CONTACT ME:
YM or email me: nur_azra@yahoo.com
Add me on Facebook too! ^_^v

Customer Testimonial

11/07/2009 08:08:00 AM Posted In Edit This
Alhamdulillah.... I am always ever so happy for those who've tried Premium Beautiful and feel amazing changes!

Kak S, Accounting Executive, Shah Alam

Before PB

Bust = 107.5 cm
Under Bust = 97 cm
Waist = 94 cm
Hips = 115 cm

Immediately after pakai PB

Bust = 107.5 cm
Under Bust = 94 cm (3 cm smaller!)
Waist = 87.5 cm (9.5 cm smaller! WOW!)
Hips = 113 cm (2 cm smaller!)

Kak S's text:

"Semalam pakai sangat best sebab pinggang tak lenguh" - She had back pain due to perioud at that time. I am so happy for her!

email/YM me: nur_azra@yahoo.com
Add me on Facebook too!

My Weight Loss Attempts

11/05/2009 03:59:00 PM Posted In Edit This

Ni masa berat badan 65 kg and above la..

Okay, masa I overweight tu, I penuh dengan rasa rendah diri. Susah nak cari baju, I constantly rasa sedih bila orang tegur “Kenapa ko ni tak kurus2 lagi yer?”. Kena panggil tong deram la dsbg. Siapa yang suka kan. I memang tembam dari kecil, kononnya baby fat la… So, just like others, I looked for solutions. I oergi ke gym, ada personal trainer. Went on so many diet programs, like Tesco diet (all involved Tesco product specifically planned for me! Huhu…), I was always of SparkPeople website reading inspirational stories and get diet tips, I went to gym regularly and had a personal trainer. I went to two different gyms, joined the classes like Body Pump, StepNDance, BLT (Bum, Legs and Thigh), Salsa. On top of that, I pernah minum Herbalife, makan diet pills (like Adios), pakai Hoodia patch. Huhuhu… Apa2 jer lah yang you boleh fikir. I even considered surgery! Boleh tak?!!!!! Tapi duit pun tak banyak and tak suka darah and pisau and stitches pun… Huhuhu!

So with that, I feel that I have a fair share of experience pasal nak kuruskan badan ni. Dalam masa 3 tahun, Alhamdulillah, I managed to lose the excess weight and achieve my ideal weight. Kiranya, sekarang ni nak maintain, tapi kalau boleh memang I nak lose more. But not to the extent sampai skinny. I like a bit of muffin on my hips and a bit of love handle, ada good shape. Memang ramai nak body macam the catwalk models, but we all know that it is not healthy. But, in the end, itu masing-masing la kan. As far as I know, curvy is more attractive than skinny. Men prefer women with curves. Bukannya kita kena cantik for the all men, but for our husbands (and mine in the future), we must try to… Yang paling penting, looking good for yourself!

Exercise and diet really did work. But of course, the weight that I carried memang dari I kecik tau! Memang accumulation of fat, carbohydrate, sugar etc dari kecik lagi. So imagine la, betapa banyaknyer effort yang I kena buat. Masa tu, I dekat UK where diet food, were not cheap food. I switched from white rice to brown rice (kurang kanji), I didn’t eat white bread, only wholemeal. I stopped using palm oil for cooking but olive oil. Most of my portion were fish and vege. Fish, in the UK weren’t cheap. And vege too, sebab nak variety kan makanan, so belila sayur & buah-buah yang mahal2 sikit like pepper (or capsicum), asparagus, I don’t really like apples, so I beli exotic fruit in UK like mangoes, buah delima and such. So imagine la, semua2 tu, memang mahal. On top of that, I pergi ke gym. I went to Green’s gym (which was fantastic!) and also Executive Fitness. Both of them cost GBP 35 per month, and the contract went for a year. Back then, I was a student. So bila penat, ada kelas, ada assignment, I tak de masa nak pergi. In the end, agak membazir jugak cause I didn’t make full use of it. Dengan duit scholarship I, I actually struggled to diet (as in, financially).

Masa tu juga, I makan Adios, which is a supplement for weight loss. Beli kat Boots pharmacy. Dalam satu packaging tu ada 30 tablets, and sehari kena makan 3 kali. And satu packet tu harga nya GBP 29.90 and only lasted 10 days! Sama juga dengan Hoodia patch, I used to buy from Holland and Barrets. Tak ingat berapa harga exactnyer, but yang pasti, I agak pokai la masa diet2 tu.

Then, I tried Herbalife (together with diet & exercise). Since that, this is a sensitive issue, I might as well clarify that what I wrote below is a fair opinion that I have. I am only telling what I feel, not trying to memburukkan atau influence anybody ok?

I was introduced to Herbalife when I was in England. I was desperate to lose weight so I searched online and came across one Weight Management Advisor named Kelly. We contacted by telephone, I have never met her before. After consuming Herbalife, Alhamdulillah. I was so happy! I gradually lost weight. Mula2 3 kg in the first month, then another 3 kg in the following month, sampai a total of 12 kg. Around early 2008, I berjaya mencapai berat 58 kg, sangat2 lah happy. But, Herbalife was also very expensive for my budget. Mungkin sebab I student kut. One set of Herbalife, which consists of 2 flavours of Formula 1, 2x14 peanut chocolate bar and also the lemon tea, cost me almost GBP 120 a pop (that is almost RM 850 tau!). All that lasts for around 21-28 days. Memang berkesan, I memang nak continue. But in the end, due to my financial reasons, I had to stop. I just couldn’t afford did, couldn’t maintain on it.

Tengok la lelemak tuuu... Malu giler.

Ni pulak masa berat badan I dah reduced... Masih tembam lagi, but dah kurang banyak... My skin was flabby and not toned.

Of course, I do have other opinions about Herbalife shake. I am very thankful that after using it, memang badan I slimmed down. But I think I will keep those opinions to myself, before I kena serang..! Huhuhuhu… All I am saying about in here is just the money aspect of it.

After I stopped Herbalife after 3 sets, I still maintained healthy diet and I was quite active (physically). Yer la, kat UK, mana ada kereta. Memang turun naik bukit, jalan kaki everywhere I went. So, I managed to maintain my weight like at 58 kg. Cuma berat badan I memang macam yo yo sikit. So ada juga kadang2 tu naik juga 2 -3 kg. And masa tu, I tak rasa fit. I tak rasa cergas atau bertenaga. Then, I balik Malaysia for good. Wah wah, memang sedap aja lah makan masa tu. Makan nasi 2-3 times a day, lauk yang oily, makan luar tak teratur, minum teh tarik, kuih2 yang sedap2 belaka. So memang lumrah, badan I naik balik. My mum and sister dah tegur, makin berisi. Maybe masa tu, I dalam 60 ish kg kut. Huhuhu… Walaupun tak teruk sangat, but you know lah, siapa suka bila semua baju dah sendat kan? Huhuhu…

I memang jenis yang control makan. I limit my portion, I share my food with my mum (instead of ordering for two, order for one), I never made it a habit to eat nasi lemak and roti canai selalu. Once a month pun jarang. KFC, McDonald pun, very sparingly. The tarik kurang manis and minum air sampai 1 litre. Coke, sugar carbonated drinks, biscuits, cakes etc, memang I makan sikit jer. Bak my mum kata, makan untuk rasa, bukan untuk kenyang. However, berat I masih gitu. Maybe kurang 0.5 kg jer kut. I memang susah nak kurus. My body shape pun tak best. So although I was in my healthy BMI, I didn’t feel good.

Before that, my sister dah mula pakai Premium Beautiful. I was quite skeptical about it. Macam mana pulak korset boleh slim down a person? Masa awal2 lepas bersalin Luqman, she was around 80 kg. My mum expressed her worries. But then, everytime dia balik ke Shah Alam, she looks better. She started losing weight, inches after inches. So I pun curious la, mana boleh jadi ni! Hehehe… So I opened my mind and I bought one, masih half2 lagi. But what do you know, the first time I pakai pun, I could see the effect! Baju yang dulu Nampak sendat gila dah boleh muat, like immediately! My waist kurang daripada 30 inches to 28 inches with PB on. My thigh and bum appears tighter and kemas, tak menggelebeh. My breast memang push up habeh la. Huhuhu…

This photo was taken immediately after I mula pakai Premium Beautiful.

So I bertambah positif. I thought, maybe sebab dianyer material and such, it shrinks the body size. But I also found that, bila I pakai PB, perut I mengecil. As in, I memang tak boleh makan banyak. A small portion memang membuatkan I kenyang macam I dah makan 2 pinggan. Memang the term “Ikat Perut” bersesuaian sangat dengan PB ni. I makan apa yang I nak. I makan desert, kuih, biskut, mi goreng, but such small portion memang cukup untuk satisfy my appetite. Around 2 months after that, not only that I look better in clothes, berat I pun berkurangan to 56 kg. Memang tak banyak, but imagine this – A person with low metabolism like me, memang sensitive. Makan lebih je sikit, memang naik. But with PB I am not forcing myself to limit what I eat. I am very happy that my taste bud and my appetite tak disuppress. But my weight tak menaik and naik. However, I still tak makan nasi lemak and roti canai selalu, once a month pun jarang. Bukan sebab nak kurus semata-mata, tapi sebab kandungan cholesterol and bad fats in these foods yang sangat tinggi. Kalau dijadikan habit, semua jenis masalah jantung, darah tinggi and stroke akan datang! I am thinking long-term health here. You should too!

I am not saying that exercise and diet is not good for you. As a pharmacist @ healthcare professional, it will be crazy if I tell you to stop exercising and eating healthily and pakai PB samata-mata untuk kurus. Premium Beautiful, masa ia direka, the objective is 70% health and 30% beauty. So healthy person is the main and true objective. Jadi, teruskan bersenam dan jaga pemakanan anda dan Premium Beautiful ini adalah alternative yang sangat baik untuk membantu anda dalam memperoleh kesihatan and that extra umph in your beauty. ;-)

Apa-apa yang you consider to help you lose weight, make sure you weigh the pros and cons. Jangan bahayakan diri dengan pil-pil atau jamu-jamu yang tak berdaftar. Sebab macam2 masalah akan menyusul. Rosak hati, buah pinggang, dan sebagainya. Side-effect ubat2 macam ni terlalu berisiko. Also consider the financial aspect, sebab kalau terlalu mahal, susah nak maintain. Health and weight loss is a lifetime investment. Kalau terlalu mahal, your weight memang akan jadi macam yoyo. Naik turun naik turun. Haih…

Apa-apa pun, good luck and all the best!

Just sharing ^_^

11/03/2009 09:43:00 PM Posted In Edit This
Yesterday, my office (BPFK @ NPCB) held a whole-day seminar. Tajuk seminar tu ialah Seminar Personaliti Unggul. When the flyers came out, what I had in my mind was, mesti ada talk pasal kecantikan, beauty, penampilan… All the superficial stuff. So I signed up for it. Macam best habeh la. U know I like all these beauty2 punyer hal kan? (I am not vain though!)

So yesterday morning, when I sat at the hall, the speaker for the morning topic walked past me. I macam “Eh, she looks familiar la.” Then a friend, Kak Fad said, “Azra, tengok CV dia. Memang banyak sangat experience.” So, I did. Then, bila I tengok gambar speaker tu betul2, then I know siapa. She always appeared on Astro Oasis. Orangnyer lembut jer. She usually talks about women, female, family-related stuff, in Islamic pov. Her name is Profersor Dr Harlina. And the title of her talk was “Keunggulan dan Kesihatan Wanita”.

So she started off like normal… Tak ingat lah in detail every thing that she said. But, she was such an excellent speaker! I mean, memanglah on TV Prof memang arif tentang bidangnya (she is an OandG specialist by the way). Dalam masa Prof menyampaikan all the important and meaningful ilmu, she was also very very hilarious. Her sense of humour memang tak dijangkakan because on TV she appeared not to be so. Still, she maintained such a grace and soft spoken personality. She is an intelligent person, with unbelievable sense of humour, open minded and religious. Sangat2 la best!

I was always kept on my toes during the whole talk, I took note of all the points that she made. Cuma terlampau banyak sampai I tak boleh nak tulis semua. So, below is the summary of the stuff Prof said. Mungkin agak berterabur and incoherent, Cuma… Ambillah isi-isinya. Just for sharing ya?

· Kaya Bukan Pada Harta, Tetapi Pada Hati…
Prof started off her talk with this story. Prof always terlibat in many NGOs activities. So these activities involved sponsorship… She approached a fellow OandG specialist yang kerja kat private hospital. Apparently gaji OandG specialist kat hospital swasta in RM50K per month! Before Prof sempat ask for the donation, her colleague mula mengeluh pasal duit. His/Her car kena langgar, anak dia nak masuk kolej, etc etc etc… Sampaikan Prof tak sampai hati nak tanya pasal donation tu. So she went back to the office empty handed and she put her donation leaflet on her PA’s desk. Her PA ada 8 orang anak, dengan gaji sebagai PA, boleh dikatakan that she is not orang yang senang. Then, her PA knocked on Prof’s door and asked “Prof, saya tahu tak banyak. Tapi kalau saya nak derma RM 30 tak apa ke?” Prof was completely speechless and her emotion masa tu memang tak boleh nak describe. Walaupun RM30 tu bukannya apa sangat, tapi untuk orang seperti her PA yang bukannya orang senang, RM 30 tu sangat bermakna. Then she realized, kekayaan sesorang itu… Adalah pada kebesaran hati, bukan pada harta…

· Count your blessings untuk menjadi orang yang gembira dan bersyukur

· Protective mechanism of breastfeeding towards breast cancer will only happen if a mother breastfeeds for more than 10 months

· Jika sesorang memendamkan perasaan (bottle up their feelings) their immune system will reduce. Ini kerana, the immune cells yang buat surveillance akan berkurangan. So all the bad cells and bacteria tak dibunuh. Therefore, jangan la pendam2 perasaan yer?!

· Spacing of pregnancy akan mengurangkan post-natal depression (meroyan)

· Jangan lawat orang bersalin pada hari ke 3 selepas bersalin, sebab masa tu, she needs time for herself because that’s when the post natal blues starts.

· Suami ada hak seksual terhadap isteri sekiranya suami penuhi 3 syarat ini (3R of sexuality):-
o Responsibility: Is he a responsible husband? Does he fulfills his responsibility as husband and a father? Contohnya, adakah dia menyara makan minum pakaian dan tempat tinggal keluarganya? Bukan isteri yang bayar tau!
o Rights: If he fulfills his responsibility, then he has the rights towards the wife.
o Respect: And even so, husband must approach (mendekati) the wife with respect. Bukan main terjah /lompat je! Huhuhu…

· Nusyuz is not applicable to wives only. But husband can also be nusyuz. Contohnya bila dia tak jalankan tanggungjawab hakikinya

· Job description for husband: protector, provider and maintainer
· Seorang suami mesti sara isteri dan anak-anak tak kitalah sekaya mana isteri tu.

· Tips: Beli pergi ke pasar atau pasar malam, tinggalkan purse di rumah atau dalam kereta. And don’t tell your husbands! Sebab nanti memang dia akan bayarkan for groceries. Heheheh! Good one!

· Sebelum kita minta anak-anak kita lakukan sesuatu untuk membanggakan kita, tanya mereka dulu – Adakah mereka bangga mempunyai ibu dan ayah seperti kita?

· Jangan tidur sekatil dengan anak-anak bila ada suami

Okay, hopefully, ada sedikit sebanyak yang boleh kita sama-sama ambil iktibar… ^_^

I love pelamins

11/02/2009 11:14:00 AM Posted In Edit This
Pelamin fresh flower, pelamin moden, pelamin dalam taman, pakej pelamin, pelamin artis, pelamin pelamin pelamin.

Memang itu jer la yang I dok google sekarang ni. Ahahahaha! Walaupun I tak plan nak bersanding (malu la... Ada hidung, tapi hidung tak mancung! :-P) but I still want a pelamin for my wedding. Just for photographic purpose. But when I went to my friend (Shahirah) brother's wedding, the bride and groom walked to the pelamin, sat there for pictures, and then baca doa. After that they walked to the meja makan pengantin lak. I think that was sweet. So maybe I (I mean, we. Hihi!) will do the same.

Kalau pelamin tu grand giler, wedding pun kena lah grand nak mam.
Kalau pelamin tu fresh flower, I kena la buat fresh flower theme.
Kalau pelamin tu dalam taman, I kena la buat dalam taman.
Kalau pelamin tu macam artis nyer, I kena la jadi artis!

Syukurlah ada extra income dari business untuk support I dapat pelamin yang I nak... Tak der susahkan Mama and Abah... And seriously, puas hati betul to use my own money for my wedding... Ada la dalam 5 digits yang I make from my business... Jadi, adalah sikit freedome of choice for baju and pelamin indamannnn. Ahahahaha...

Duit nyer dah ada, tetapiiiiii... Yang mana satu pelamin idaman hati ni?!!!

Huhu... Sudah la tu, tak habis2 ngarut. But here are some photos that I reallyyyy loike!

p/s: Ini pelamin masa reception k... Tunang ni I tak ada pelamin. Segannnn....

Cantiknyer... Bergemerlapan...

Huhu.. Sweet and simple... I love the chandeliers

Macam Ekin and mawi la pulak

This is my favourite! Kerusi panjang so I and Hakim boleh duk dekat2. Pastu warna purple is the theme colour. And takder la banyak benar bunga... Wowwie!!!