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My name is Azra, I am a Leo and a proud Malaysian. Yay! I am quite opinionated, but I don't usually say it out loud, hence the blog! And I also like to review movies and TV shows. Besides that, I am a daughter, a girlfriend to that special someone, a sister, an aunt and your pharmacist... If you are interested in any of the products in my blog or would like to be my business partner, please contact me: AZRA - nur_azra@yahoo.com. (YM or Facebook me!) Happy reading, cheers!
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Selamat Hari Raya semua!

10/01/2009 09:09:00 PM Edit This
Assalamualaikum all...

I apologised for not wishing you Selamat Hari Raya Aidilftri and Maaf Zahir dan Batin in advance... And I hope that it is not too late for me to do so... :-)

Anyway, panjang nak cerita how raya this year has been. All in all, walaupun penat giler, but memang best... Syukur everything went well and smoothly.

So here are some of the photos taken throughout the first and second week of raya. Pictures tell better story than words kan? ;-)

And like always, gambar photographer la yang paling tak banyak. Huhuhu... :-P Hampeh sungguh!

Myself with my second nephew, Ameer Luqman...

With my aunts and cousins from my father's side.

Abah tersenyum lebar with cucu dia.

Along, aunty, me and Abah.

Ameer Luqman showing off his dimple!

Makcik-makcik muda and anak-anak buah.

Me, my mother, and Along. (Dah besar pun still berpaut kat Mama!)

NekMa with her two sweethearts. NekMa je yang larat nak layan diaorang ni actually.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dari kami sekeluarga!
(My uncle (Pak Aziz), myself, Mama and Amaar, Along and Luqman and Abang Long)