About Me

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My name is Azra, I am a Leo and a proud Malaysian. Yay! I am quite opinionated, but I don't usually say it out loud, hence the blog! And I also like to review movies and TV shows. Besides that, I am a daughter, a girlfriend to that special someone, a sister, an aunt and your pharmacist... If you are interested in any of the products in my blog or would like to be my business partner, please contact me: AZRA - nur_azra@yahoo.com. (YM or Facebook me!) Happy reading, cheers!
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My Preparations ^_^

12/23/2009 11:38:00 PM Posted In Edit This
TWO more days to go to our engagement, yezza.... I am sure that all of you do the same as I do - MESTI ada checklist. Kalau tak, cannot keep track of the things yang kena complete kan. Huhuhu... So let's see what have I done so far:-

1. Kemas rumah - CHECK
2. Edarkan map to Hakim, friends, photographer (Kak Fad), makeup artist (Kak Awin: www.seindahwajah.com) and Astana Kristal for mini pelamin (astanakristal.blogspot.com) - CHECK
3. Gilapkan silverware and brass for hantaran decoration - CHECK
4. Buy fresh flowers for hantaran - NOT CHECK
5. Facial - NOT CHECK (tomorrow)
6. Manicure and Pedicure - NOT CHECK (tomorrow)
7. Get chocolate door gifts and hantaran - NOT CHECK (tomorrow)
8. Get cake from Abah - NOT CHECK (Friday)
9. Get baju tunang, tudung and selendang from dry cleaners - CHECK
10. Send invitations to Imam and neighbours - CHECK
11. Get curtains - NOT CHECK (tomorrow)
12. Hantar all the hantaran items - NOT CHECK (Friday, final)
13. Get dulang & lapik dulang for hantaran - NOT CHECK (tomorrow)

InsyaAllah, by Saturday most thing will be ready.

Ya Allah, aku memohon padaMu agar Engkau melancarkan segala urusanku dan majlis pertunanganku. Izinkanlah agar semua persediaan lengkap dengan baik dan majlis berjalan dengan sempurna. Berikanlah cuaca yang cerah pada hari majlis ini. Dan rahmatilah kesemua tetamu dan ahli keluargaku yang hadir pada majlis ini.

Amin amin, ya Rabbal A'lamin...