My Office
12/15/2009 03:53:00 PM Posted In Work Edit ThisEhehehehe…
Akhirnya, I have my own place at my work place. ^_^
Ok, I suppose you don’t know what I really do. I graduated from
In my workplace, ada 5 departments/units. So, for the past year I dah merantau from one units to another. I never really had a proper desk to do work (actually, all of the PRPs don’t have a proper place to work. Tumpang meja orang or the library). But that never stopped us from working anyway, Cuma tak seronok la
My office is inside a lab. And the lab specifically perform tests for injectables such as vaccines, insulin etc. So memang lab ni sejuk gillllerrrrr. Below 16 degrees la! So in addition to the other stuff I have to bring (like coffee mug, a mirror and more stationeries) I have to bring a damn good cardigan and body lotion to keep my skin from drying in the super extreme chill!
Here’s a preview:-
Mudah-mudahan dengan kemudahan ini, I will become an excellent pharmacist, dan kerja-kerja yang I buat akan diberkati. Aminnnnn….